HACI Mechanical Contractors, Inc. HACI Service, LLC.
Carl T. Hayden High School
HVAC Renovations
Scope of Work:
- Plant – Replace condenser water pumps & isolation valves, R&R (2) fan coils in chiller room, R&R DX split system for electrical room
- Boiler Room – Replace (3) existing gas fired boilers with (2) new gas fired boilers
- Cafeteria – Replace (2) evap coolers for MUA in kitchen
- Auditorium – Replace (4) air handlers & (2) sump pumps
- IMC Building – Replace (2) air handlers, R&R server room DX split system
- Building 200 – Replace (78) fan coils direct drive, condensate cut-out switches, R&R (1) server room unit
- Building 400 – Replace (9) fan coils & (1) AHU
- Building 500 – Replace (2) central station air handlers
- Building 600 – Replace (6) fan coils & (2) air handlers
- Building 800 – Refurbish (2) roof air handlers & replace VFD’s
- Building 1300 – Replace MUA unit, replace & relocate (32) fan coil units
- Main Gym – Replace (5) air handlers – (3) inside & (2) roof
- Practice Gym – Replace (5) air handlers
- ROTC Range – Replace evap cooler & DX package unit